Queensland 1895 Void Background Perf 12½,13 ½d green with Double Impression SG 208a, light horizontal crease, large-part o.g. with a hinge remainder, Cat £2000. BPA Certificate (2009). [The first print was quite faint & was obviously considered unsatisfactory. The strong second print is 2mm to the right. With a normal stamp for comparison] Ken Scudder at page 179 states “Clear double prints exist…probably all…from the same sheet of stamps”. Until their 2010 Edition, this error was unpriced by Gibbons. From 2011, it was priced at £2000 unused or used, and has not budged since. This is stated to be the only unused example recorded. Considering that there are several used examples known, this stamp should be worth significantly more than the used examples. At a Swiss auction in 2003, a less dramatic used example sold for ?24,225!
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