
German colonies & international post offices abroad: 1887 /...

German colonies & international post offices abroad: 1887 / 1919 approximate, extensive collection of all area including partly good collected forerunner, included the landscape formats often multiple in mixed types, all following itemized Michel numbers are BPP-expertized respectively with short attests / certificates provided, China forerunner with V37d, V46b, China stamp part with 2I in the gutter pair *, 27 I * also used (repaired. ), not issued VII g and h * as well Petschili-part, Turkey with NDP forerunner and numerous others, Turkey stamp part with 3a *, 10 an and ba gest, 12 till 22 I Specimen *, not issued I till V *, 12-14 and 20 II Spec. *, German New Guinea with Packetadresse (defects), V44 in the horizontal pair, British occupation including registration label and service, DOA with also emergency issue of three stamp prepared for use in German East Africa including 1 Rupee (restrictions) and type pairs, DSWA V47c in the vertical pair, Cameroon with British occupation, Kiautschou extensive forerunner with V37e, Marshall Islands with British occupation, Samoa forerunner with V50b in the horizontal pair, Davis private post as well Togo including occupation issues, from nearly all areas are also Specimen overprints available, the all largely with certificates Jäschke-Lantelme BPP 01 / 2017 provided are, the quality the collection is mixed, an inspection therefore necessary and profitably pictures for over-all lot online

(via Philasearch.com - Collections and Lots German German Colonies and Offices)


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