
Soldier’s Letter with Correct Report on the Battle of...

Soldier’s Letter with Correct Report on the Battle of Seven Pines, cover with manuscript “Soldier’s Letter, straight line "Due 3”, addressed to Sag Harbor NY, written on patriotic letter sheet with portrait of Gen. N.P. Banks, a four page letter datelined “Faruge Station June 5th 1862”, written days after the battle by N.H. Pearson of the N.Y. Volunteers, reads in part “…I suppose that you heard by this time of the great battle of the Seven Pines…I should have written sooner if I could have obtained the materials but the rebel heathens had the good fortune to get possession of mine…as the papers I suppose gives us a rather bad name, it was reported to Gen. McClellan that the 3rd Brigade broke or rather the 81st N.Y. but this is untrue in the strictest sense of the word I will endeavor to give you an account…double quicked to our position on the extreme left…General rode up and ordered us to pull down the fence and advance into the field contrary to wishes of Col. Deforest by that time the enemy was plainly visible in the edge of the woods but were ordered not to fire as the Gen. thought them to be our friends as any fool might have known better…opened fire by orders of the Captain and they opened fire on us their first volley killing our Major and wounding the Col. and on the fire was so hot and we in so exposed position and the enemy in cover we was ordered to fall back to the woods”, an original accounting written in the famous Battles and Leaders of the Civil War (first published in 1880) indicated that the 3rd brigade breaking under Confederate attack, was severely punished, and retreated in disorder causing the left flank to be exposed, this letter contradicts the historical accounts which were mainly Confederate accounts of the battle, Fine to Very Fine a fascinating, historically significant letter. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000

(via Philasearch.com - United States Civil War)


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